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Correction and retraction policy

The Coordination of Institutional Journals and each of the journals published by Autonomous Chapingo University recognize, in the event of errors or omissions in previously published contributions, their responsibility to correct them. It is institutional editorial policy to consider refutations of works published in our journals and publish them (in brief form) if they provide categorical evidence of the existing error in the original article and are approved by peer review, which, if possible, will involve the same reviewers who were responsible for the original work.

The refutations will be sent to the corresponding author so that he/she can exercise his/her right of reply through signed comments. The refutations will be published in a special section of the journal’s online version. Sometimes it is the authors themselves who send retractions. In the event that only one or some of the article’s authors send a retraction, it will be communicated to any authors who don’t so that they can express what they consider to be right.

Complaints, disagreements and other issues concerning the text that arise should be directed to the editor-in-chief of the journal in question, in accordance with its Editorial Guidelines, which are available on the website of the Coordination of Institutional Journals and on each of the journal sites.

In the event that an error is detected in the advance online publication (AOP) version, prior to the printed version coming out, the article will be modified by inserting a legend referring to the error in question. If the error is not detected until the printed version comes out, the correction will be made in the online version with an annotation referring to the detection of the error in both versions, indicating the date of publication online and that of the correction, identifying them both with a doi.